Information for Journalists and Public Information Officers
The 27th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics is happy to invite the science media to participate in the 50th Anniversary Texas Symposium and communicate the remarkable advances in relativistic astrophysics that will be presented.

Virtual Newsroom

Public information officers are encouraged to submit news releases about research being presented at the 27th Texas Symposium by faculty and researchers from their respective institutions. News releases are presumed to have been approved by the submitting institution and researchers involved. Posting of your news release on the Virtual Newsroom does not imply endorsement by the Texas Symposium. Posting of links to your news release is at the discretion of the Press Officer. Please submit links for consideration to Amanda Siegfried, UT Dallas Office of Communications, [email protected].

Media Registration

Complimentary registration for the 27th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics is available for qualified members of the working press, as defined below. A press badge provides access to all scientific sessions, the newsroom and other activities open to paid registrants. Complimentary press registration is not available for activities with registration fees separate from the regular meeting registration fee. For example, members of the press who wish to attend the Symposium banquet should register for that separately here.

How do I request complimentary press registration?
Please contact the Symposium Press Officer, Amanda Siegfried, to request press registration and submit required credentials, or to request any further clarification of any of the policies listed on this page. Please register in advance by December 2. After that date, you may register on-site in the Symposium newsroom. Once your media credentials are reviewed and approved, you may register as a member of the press online here. Contact:

Amanda Siegfried

UT Dallas Office of Communications
[email protected]

Who is eligible for complimentary press registration?
  • Journalists who are employed by bona fide media organizations. Required credentials: Press or business card clearly indicating your media affiliation and position; letter of introduction from an editor of a recognized publication in any print, broadcast, or electronic medium; or a sample of relevant bylined work published within the last three years.

  • Freelance science writers/editors/producers, including documentary filmmakers, internet science communicators, and content producers for museum and planetary news services. Required credentials: Current membership card from NASW or one of its regional affiliates, CSWA, or ISWA; letter of introduction from an editor of a recognized publication assigning you to attend the meeting; or a sample of relevant bylined work published within the last three years.

  • Public information officers of recognized scientific societies, educational institutions, government agencies, and ground- or space-based observatories. Required credentials: Business card clearly indicating your position; letter of introduction from a cognizant supervisor; or a recent sample of relevant material work distributed to the press, such as a news release or media advisory, on which you are listed as a media contact.

  • Journalism students and interns Required credentials: Letter of introduction from a college or university professor or an editor of a recognized publication assigning you to attend the meeting.

  • Publishers and literary agents who are not exhibiting but are sponsoring receptions or other activities exclusively for press registrants. Required credentials: Prior arrangement of your activity with the press office.

  • Public information officers, publishers, and literary agents who are attending the meeting as exhibitors and whose exhibitor fee has already been covered may be granted press privileges if they qualify (see above).

Who is not eligible for complimentary press registration?
Except as noted above, scientists, educators, students, editors of scientific journals and astronomy-related newsletters, advertising or marketing professionals, and representatives of for-profit corporations, special-interest or political-advocacy groups, and the management or business side of scientific societies, educational institutions, government agencies, or media organizations must pay to register, regardless of possession of any of the credentials listed above. For example, scientists who communicate with the public but whose primary occupation is scientific research and/or education rather than science journalism must pay to register for the Symposium.

Those who wish to submit an abstract to present scientific work at the Symposium are not eligible for complimentary press registration.