The University of Texas at Dallas
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Fast Track Master’s Programs

Fast Track offers an accelerated pathway to get a master’s degree. Specifically, it allows an undergraduate student to take up to 15 semester credit hours of approved graduate level courses in their senior year to use toward completion of both bachelor’s and master’s degrees. 

Who should seriously consider Fast Track? 

Undergraduate students with strong academic record who intend to pursue master’s studies to enhance their career prospects. 

What are the minimum eligibility requirements?

A student must have completed:

  • 90 or more semester credit hours with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00; and  
  • 36 or more semester credit hours of the core curriculum requirements.

Some programs have additional requirements (see below).

What are the additional requirements, if any?
If you intend to Fast Track intoYou must additionally have
MS in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyA cumulative GPA of at least 3.20 in all mathematics and statistics courses
MS in BiotechnologyA cumulative GPA of at least 3.20 and completed BIOL 2311, BIOL 2312, and BIOL 2281; or equivalent courses.
MS in Data Science and Statistics A cumulative GPA of at least 3.20 in all mathematics and statistics courses
MS in Mathematics A cumulative GPA of at least 3.20 in all mathematics and statistics courses
MS in Molecular and Cell Biology A cumulative GPA of at least 3.20 and completed BIOL 2311, BIOL 2312, and BIOL 2281; or equivalent courses.
MS in PhysicsA cumulative GPA of at least 3.20 in a minimum of 30 semester credit hours of upper-division courses that include PHYS 3411, PHYS 3312, PHYS 3330, PHYS 3416, PHYS 4301, and PHYS 4311

Which graduate courses will replace which undergraduate courses?

Below are sample course replacement plans for various MS programs. For additional possibilities, please consult with the Graduate Faculty Advisor of the intended MS program.

MS in Actuarial Science
MS in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
MS in Biotechnology
MS in Chemistry
MS in Data Science and Statistics
MS in Mathematics
MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

Is there financial support for pursuing Fast Track?

If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and meet the other eligibility criteria, you may apply for NSM Fast Track Fellowship, which awards up to $1,500 on a competitive basis, by the deadline as posted below. Students already enrolled in Fast Track or who have previously taken a graduate course in NSM are not eligible.

What are the next steps?

What are the deadlines?

If you intend to be admitted from the upcomingThe deadline to apply for admission isThe deadline to apply for fellowship isThe deadline to register for graduate courses is
Fall TermMay 1May 1Monday before the first day of class
Spring TermDecember 1December 1Monday before the first day of class

Fast Track admission is not offered for the summer term.

Whom to contact for additional questions?

If the questions are aboutContact your
Beginning the Fast Track processNSM Academic Advisor
Courses involved in the Fast Track programUndergraduate Faculty Advisor or the Graduate Faculty Advisor of the intended MS program