Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are my responsibilities?
A: Your responsibilities include:
- Making time to periodically visit an academic advisor
- Keeping track of each semester’s progress on your degree plan
- Knowing and observing all prerequisite course requirements. You can be dropped from a course if you do not have the listed prerequisites.
- Applying for graduation according to the deadlines published in the Academic Calendar.
- Meeting all degree requirements of your degree plan as well as the general requirements outlined in the Catalog of the year specified by your degree plan.
- Read the catalog!
- Access the online academic calendar. It contains lots of valuable information for the entire semester! (deadlines, etc.)
- Repeated courses: File a repeated course adjustment form during the semester in which you are repeating the course in the Records Office.
- Maintain close contact with an advisor to avoid roadblocks in satisfying degree requirements.
- Attend class!
- Dropping a course before the posted drop dates.
- Paying for classes before the posted deadline.
Q: How do I register, add and drop classes?
A: Freshmen must see their advisor to register. Those with permission may register online using the Orion system. After the beginning of classes students must see their advisor to drop or withdraw from classes.
Q: How do I pay my tuition?
A: To make payment online you must use the EZPay system. Otherwise you may pay at the Bursar’s Office. An installment plan is available during the fall and spring semesters. Please do not wait for a bill to be mailed to you. Whether you receive a bill you are still responsible for making all payments by the payment deadline.
Q: What do I do if I want to take classes off campus?
A: Students should meet with their advisor first to find out if the class they are going to take off campus will transfer to UT Dallas. Classes cannot be taken off campus in the student’s graduating semester.
Q: How do I change my major?
Meet with an academic advisor in the advising office of the newly desired major before registration and no later than the first day of classes of a semester/term. You will be provided with online instructions on how to submit a request to change your major after your meeting with an academic advisor. Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.00 may only change their major with permission from the Associate Dean from both the sending and receiving school. If the change of major is approved, the student will then be responsible for meeting all program requirements and course prerequisites of the catalog in effect at the time of the change. The General Education or Core Curriculum requirements, however, remain those of the catalog in force at the time of matriculation unless the student specifically chooses those of a more recent catalog. In the first semester of change to a new major, the student must meet with an academic advisor to prepare a degree plan.
Deadlines and Fees for Changing Majors
The Registrar’s Office will accept Undergraduate Change of Major forms for processing up to the close of business on the first day of classes of each semester term. Forms received after the first day of classes will be processed effective for the next/following semester/term.
All students are allowed to change majors twice in a given academic year at no charge. The academic year begins August 1 and is completed the last day of July each year.
If a student elects to change majors more than two times during their undergraduate career, a $50 fee will be assessed for subsequent changes. EXCEPTION: There is no charge to move to, or from, the “undeclared major” category.
Q: How do I declare a minor?
A: Meet with your assigned academic advisor in the advising office of your declared major. The advisor will show all of the classes you need to take in order to get the minor you want. You will be provided with online instructions on how to submit a request to add your major after your meeting with your academic advisor.
Q: How do I find out what constitutes as a core curriculum class?
A: The course lookup is a great resource to use. It can be accessed through the UT Dallas homepage and is listed under student essentials as well as a link located under our “quick links.” To begin with, make sure you are in the correct semester. Once you are in the correct semester, click on the arrow next to “Core Curriculum.” Highlight whichever core you are looking for and then hit “search.” This will showcase all of the classes available for that semester for the core requirement that you were looking for.
Q: If I repeat a course at a community college that I have already taken at UT Dallas, does the community college course grade replace the UT Dallas grade?
A: No. A student who wishes to repeat a course previously taken at UT Dallas to improve a grade must repeat the course at UT Dallas.
Q: If I fail a course at UT Dallas, may I transfer the course from another institution?
A: Students who fail a course in residence at UT Dallas may repeat the course at another accredited college or university. A student may not transfer an equivalent course if that course was taken at UT Dallas with a passing grade (D’s included). Upon completion of the course with a grade of at least C (2.0 on a 4.0 scale), the course may be transferred to UT Dallas where it will meet the content requirements of the course failed in residence and contribute hours toward graduation. However, the grade of F earned at UT Dallas will remain a part of the student’s academic record and will be computed as a part of the cumulative grade point average.
Q: If I make a D in a class, must I repeat the class?
A: No, you don’t have to. Of course, you can repeat the class to raise your GPA. You must have a 2.0 GPA overall and a 2.0 GPA in your major core to satisfy GPA graduation requirements. Be aware that some courses require a grade of C- or better in a prerequisite course (many math courses, for example). See the course descriptions in the catalog for specific information.
Q: Is there a time limit on how long I have to complete my bachelor’s degree?
A: The catalog is good for 6 years from its beginning. If you do not finish your degree in 6 years, you will be moved to a newer catalog and be responsible for completing any additional courses that have been added to the newer catalog.
Q: Is tutoring available at UT Dallas?
A: Yes, the Student Success Center, a division of the Office of Undergraduate Education, serves as the University’s resource for academic support. The SSC promotes active learning and academic achievement for students through enhanced learning experiences.
Q: Am I limited to how many credit hours I can take in one semester?
A: The maximum number of hours a student can take in a fall or spring semester is 19. Students wishing to register for more than 19 semester credit hours must have the permission of the Associate Dean of their school. Students in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will need to email Dr. Michael Biewer. Students authorized to enroll in more than 19 semester credit hours in a long semester may not withdraw from any class without permission of the associate dean. Failure to secure that permission before withdrawing from a class will limit the student to a maximum of 19 semester credit hours in future semesters.
Q: What are the graduation requirements for UT Dallas?
A: The undergraduate catalog lists all of the requirements that students must fulfill in order to graduate from UT Dallas. You can access the undergraduate catalog from our “quick links” or from the UT Dallas webpage.
Quick Links
- Academic Calendar
- Bursar Office
- Fast Track Master’s Programs
- Health Professions Advising Center
- How to Register for Classes
- Office of Financial Aid
- Office of the Registrar
- Student Success Center
- Transfer Guides
- Undergraduate Catalog
- Make An Appointment with an Academic Advisor
- Course Lookup
- Forms
- Resource Guide
- Contact Us